Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sharing a few pics....

The Sr. Judging team from Audrain County that placed 3rd at State Contest. Chris is on the far right.

Below is the view out of Mike's and my new bedroom.

Front view of the house. My Dad and a cousin of his and a brother of his milled the cedar for us.

Wow, 3 months have passed.

Where did the time go? I'm not going to try to catch up. Instead I'll just start where we are now. The exterior of the house is done! We have the electrical wiring done and a lot of the plumbing. We'll be testing it this weekend to make sure we don't have any leaks. Insulators are now scheduled for next Tuesday. That's barring any delays. After that we need to get the frame built for the boy's tub then the drywallers can come. I'm guessing that'll be the end of next week or possibly even early the next. The boys are working diligently with their show heifers gearing up for the AGR show on February 7th.

I'm looking forward to the fact that next winter we will be in a toasty home. Many mornings lately it's been in the 50's in our home and takes most of the day to near 68. We've done all we can to up the warmth other than filling the propane tank and running that furnace. We're heating with wood, kerosene and a little electric space heater. So, that's what I look forward to next winter.