Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rain, patience and lessons learned.....

Rain. I honestly do not remember another year when we've had this much rain throughout the entire summer and on into fall as we've had this year. In the last couple of days we've had way more rain than we really need. The grass is green and lush and for that to be so in early September is a blessing. We are usually supplementing the cows with round bales of hay by this time of year. The barns are full of hay and the pastures are full of grass.

Patience. God is surely working on my levels of patience with all the rain. I try not to make everything urgent in my mind but sometimes I lose the battle. This summer has been a battle with patience for me. We've been trying to get this new house going and the rain has kept us from doing any significant work on it. Apparently God did not consult my calendar when sending the rain. LOL. Finally, I am beginning to ask God to allow me to accomplish what He has for me each day and leave tomorrows worries for then.

Lessons learned. How many lessons do I have room for? Lessons of listening carefully for God's direction, of asking for wisdom and not advice or guidance from God, letting go of the small stuff and making sure I realize more and more stuff is small. I've been privelged to be part of two different groups of women over the summer. One is an internet based group and one is a real life in the flesh group. I wanted to be a part of a real life women's group for a few years but it never seemed to work out due to schedules. This summer I was blessed. The guys are old enough to actually enjoy some freedom and be on their own for one evening a week. God is stretching me because I usually am not all that comfortable in groups of women. I guess I really have not developed that set of social skills. I relate so much better to men and boys than I do women and girls. I have a lot of friends with girls, but I really cannot relate to the issues they deal with. And now, the guys are getting to the ages that they really are needing some practical skills in how to deal with females properly. Mike and I are constantly reminding each other of that fact. We are TRYING to teach them that you just don't talk to girls the same way you do your brother. Trash talking amongst males is typical. Trash talking with a female can cause emotional havoc. Trust me....they're learning.

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